
A tradition born in 1972

Pontex has been established in 1972 by the business ability of Mr Pio Ferretti from Modena, a self-made man who from his dream as young salesman in the fashion retail in the 80s, decides to start in the field of fabrics ennobling.

Pontex starts at the beginning the activity of buy and sell woven fabrics in favor of the apparel industry and particularly to the ready to make fashionists , mainly located at that time in Emilia Romagna and Veneto, 2 regions in Italy. So at first first the focus is the pronto moda, ready to wear market; later on Pontex becomes bigger in order to follow the increased demand and develop a larger proposal of textiles, which are consequently presented and shown by the 2 yearly Collections Spring Summer and Autumn Winter.


Pontex has been established in 1972 by the business ability of Mr Pio Ferretti from Modena


Pontex becomes a Stock Company, with a full capital of more than 1 million of Euros: the Company brings the basis in order to develop a sales reality that nowadays transforms basic woven fabrics in ennobled ones.


Luca Ferretti, the first born of Pio, joines the Company: with him , the experiences and the expertise acquired in the ready to wear allow to better identify the trends which will become a must season by season: so 2 Collections per year and season are now the standard.


Pontex Spa starts its expansion all around the world becoming soon one of the most known Company in the field of woven fabrics under the “Made in Italy”.


Letizia, the younger daughter of Mr Pio Ferretti , comes into and  beside her brother Luca and so, here s the second generation giving new lymph to the Company which remains a familiar business and extends the horizon over the border , pushing more and more on the sales dept.


Letizia becomes CEO of Pontex; thanking to the international vocation of the Company and the large sales network developed by Letizia, Pontex exports nowadays to more than 30 Countries. The sales network includes Italy, Europe, USA, PRC, Korea, Japan, Turkey, Tunisia, Maghreb.


On 20 March 2022 Pontex turns half a century old: a very important milestone!
50 years of history, 50 years of tradition, 50 years of work carried out with passion and tenacious dedication that have spanned generations, today a source of great satisfaction, which has allowed the company to develop a strong identity. 
Starting on the day 5 december, Pontex has turned into a limited liability company.

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