
The identity of unique fabrics is apart of our historical tradition

To have an identity means to us to become unique, through the choice of a product realized by fabrics which have their own strong personality but always related to the same thought which has created them.

Pontex conceives the dimension of the fabric as something which goes over the borders to wear: uniqueness, quality and durability in the long terms, virtually intertwine together.

The strengths, as always in the Pontex Collections, are the wide choice of high quality fabrics together with highly competitive prices. At a time when it is very complex for the customer to make purchase forecasts, Pontex provides an all-round service, supplying raw materials, even sustainable ones, from the warehouse and related processes guaranteed by the best trusted Italian subcontractors.

Quality, uniqueness and service are our reason to be alive. Pontex provides the solidity of an all-round service by supplying the raw material, including sustainable ones and in the warehouse as stock service, and all related processes guaranteed by the best trusted Italian subcontractors. 

Reliability and fastness in the service: this is what we grant. This means never miss a delivery , answer any time to any client s need and solve any critical aspect, or at the beginning either after goods have been delivered.

Experience means to us a deep knowledge acquired in the time, directly on acting, through practice together with attention to acts: since 1972 we are in the market and we pay attention to all evolutions and peculiarities in order to create something unique.

Innovation and Made in Italy are meant as Italian Style and  continuity of the supply chain, respect of work and territory: it is our added value of all our fabrics which are transformed by reliable third parties in Italy.

The finishes are always made in Italy: dyeing, printing, resins, bonded fabrics. Dyeing facilities, printing factories, companies specializing in resin applications, laminating and finishing. Each fabric is rigorously checked and tested for quality control.

All textiles are created and developed by Pontex through the Internal Design Dept, which selects the best suppliers starting from the yarn reworked and enriched in relation to customer requests, in Italy and abroad.